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Английский словарь американских идиом - roof


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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »OF A BUILDING« the outside surface or structure on top of a building, vehicle, tent etc  (Our roof used to leak whenever it rained. | We can probably strap the cases to the roof of her car.) 2 »OF A PASSAGE« the top of a passage under the ground; ceiling (1)  (Soon, the whole tunnel roof was collapsing on top of the miners.) 3 a roof over your head somewhere to live  (I may not have a job, but at least I've got a roof over my head.) 4 go through the roof informal a) also hit the roof to suddenly become very angry  (Put that back before Dad sees you and hits the roof!) b) if a price, cost etc goes through the roof, it increases to a very high level. 5 »OF YOUR MOUTH« the hard upper part of the inside of your mouth 6 under the same roof/under one roof in the same building or home  (We enjoy each other's company, but we can't live under the same roof or we argue all the time.) 7 under my/her etc roof in your home  (As long as you live under this roof, young man, you'll do as your mother says.) 8 the roof falls in/caves in AmE informal if the roof falls in or caves in, something bad suddenly happens to you when you do not expect it 9 red-roofed/slate-roofed etc having a roof that is red, made of slate1 (2) etc  (- see also raise the roof raise1 (22), sunroof) ~2 v T usually passive to put a roof on a building  (be roofed with)  (a cottage, roofed with the local slate) roof sth in/over phr v to cover an open space by putting a roof over it  (We're going to roof in the yard to make a garage.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (roofs) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The roof of a building is the covering on top of it that protects the people and things inside from the weather. ...a small stone cottage with a red slate roof... N-COUNT 2. The roof of a car or other vehicle is the top part of it, which protects passengers or goods from the weather. The car rolled onto its roof, trapping him. N-COUNT 3. The roof of your mouth is the highest part of the inside of your mouth. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. N-COUNT: the N of n 4. If the level of something such as the price of a product or the rate of inflation goes through the roof, it suddenly increases very rapidly indeed. (INFORMAL) Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof. PHRASE: V inflects 5. If you hit the roof or go through the roof, you become very angry indeed, and usually show your anger by shouting at someone. (INFORMAL) Sergeant Long will hit the roof when I tell him you’ve gone off. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If a group of people inside a building raise the roof, they make a very loud noise, for example by singing or shouting. He raised the roof at the conference when he sang his own version of the socialist anthem, The Red Flag. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If a number of things or people are under one roof or under the same roof, they are in the same building. The firms intend to open either together under one roof or alongside each other in shopping malls... PHRASE: PHR after v, v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural ~s)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hrof; akin to Old Norse hrof ~ of a boathouse and perhaps to Old Church Slavic stropu ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) the cover of a building  (2) material used for a ~ ; ~ing  b. the ~ of a dwelling conventionally designating the home itself didn't have a ~ over my head they share the same ~  2.  a. the highest point ; summit  b. an upper limit ; ceiling  3.  a. the vaulted upper boundary of the mouth  b. a covering structure of any of various parts of the body ~ of the skull  4. something suggesting a ~: as  a. a canopy of leaves and branches  b. the top over the passenger section of a vehicle  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. transitive verb  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to cover with or as if with a ~  b. to provide with a particular kind of ~ or ~ing — often used in combination slate-~ed houses  2. to constitute a ~ over  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. (pl. roofs or disp. rooves) 1 a the upper covering of a building, usu. supported by its walls. b the top of a covered vehicle. c the top inner surface of an oven, refrigerator, etc. 2 the overhead rock in a cave or mine etc. 3 the branches or the sky etc. overhead. 4 (of prices etc.) the upper limit or ceiling. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by in, over) cover with or as with a roof. 2 be the roof of. Phrases and idioms go through the roof colloq. (of prices etc.) reach extreme or unexpected heights. hit (or go through or raise) the roof colloq. become very angry. roof-garden a garden on the flat roof of a building. roof of the mouth the palate. a roof over one's head somewhere to live. roof-rack a framework for carrying luggage etc. on the roof of a vehicle. roof-tree the ridge-piece of a roof. under one roof in the same building. under a person's roof in a person's house (esp. with ref. to hospitality). Derivatives roofed adj. (also in comb.). roofless adj. Etymology: OE hrof ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) крыша; покрытие (здания) настилать крышу; сооружать покрытие; перекрывать 2) горн. кровля; висячий бок 3) свод (печи) 4) цел.-бум. выпускная щель (формующего устройства) - bad roof - barrel roof - bolted roof - breather roof - curb roof - deck roof - dome-shaped roof - double-deck floating roof - double-pitch roof - doubly curved shell roof - dry-seal lifting roof - electric roof - expansion roof - exposed roof - false roof - fantail roof - flat-deck roof - flat roof - flat suspended roof - floating roof - furnace roof - gable roof - gambrel roof - gas-bag roof - good roof - high-pitched roof - hipped roof - hip roof - hipped-gable roof - holdup-hold-down roof - hypar roof - immediate roof - jerkin-head roof - lamella roof - lean-to roof - lifter roof - loose roof - low-pitched roof - main roof - mansard roof - monitor roof - multibarrel roof - opening roof - pitched roof - pontoon roof - port roof - refractory roof - regenerator roof - removable roof - ringed roof - ring roof - riveted roof - sectional roof - self-supporting roof - shed roof - shell roof - silica roof - single-pitch roof - sliding roof - soft roof - sprung-arch roof - stable roof - suspended roof - swinging roof - thin-shell roof - umbrella roof - unstable roof - vaulted roof - weak roof ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  крыша, покрытие (здания) roof resistant to the fire exposure all-over roof arch roof arched barrel roof barrel roof barrel-vault roof beam roof Belfast roof bell roof bonded gravel roof bowstring roof butterfly roof cable roof cantilever roof clipped gable roof cloth roof collar roof column-supported tank roof compass roof concrete shell roof corrugated shell roof cottage roof couple roof couple-close roof curb roof cut roof dome roof double-deck floating roof double-frame roof double-pitch roof equal duo-pitched roof equilateral roof fabric roof factory-type roof felt-and-gravel roof flat roof flat-deck roof floating roof flooded roof folded-plate concrete roof gable roof gambrel roof glass roof gravel roof high-pitched roof hip-and-valley roof hipped roof hipped-gable roof italian roof jerking-head roof knee roof lamella roof lean-to roof low pitched roof low-profile roof M roof mansard roof monitor roof monopitch roof multigabled roof mushroom roof north-light roof open roof pan floating roof pavilion roof pent roof pitched roof pontoon floating roof post-tensioned roof rainbow roof reed roof retractable roof rope roof saddle roof sawtooth roof self-supporting tank roof shed roof sickle-shaped roof single roof single-pitch roof skirt roof solar-electric roof sprayed roof spray-pond roof steel cable roof steel deck roof steel folded plate roof steel prismatic shell roof steel rope roof steep roof sun roof suspended roof suspended cloth roof tank roof tank dome roof terrace roof trussed roof umbrella roof unequal duo-pitched roof valley roof water-filled roof waved shell roof ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) кровельный 2) крыша 3) крышевый 4) сводовый convergence of roof and floor — сближение кровли и почвы laying of a roof — кладка кровли magnesite-chrome roof block — сводовый магнезито-хромитовый блок roof cleaning fan — вентилятор для обдувки свода roof drilling machine — машина для бурения кровли roof ripping machine — машина для подрывки кровли run with pitch of roof — идти по стоку воды slide roof beam — выдвижной верхняк spacing of roof breaks — шаг посадки кровли verge of a roof — край крыши - bench roof - bolt roof - false roof - gable roof - gablle roof - hard roof - hip roof - immediate roof - install roof - lay the roof - main roof - mansard roof - pitch of roof - poor roof - roof bolting - roof caving - roof crown - roof deflection - roof flexibility - roof function - roof gate - roof lance - roof mastic - roof pressure - roof ring - roof rise - roof rock - roof slab - seam roof - shed roof - slope of roof - soft roof - solid roof - swinging roof - thin-shell roof - tile roof - undulating roof ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  анат. крыша; верхняя стенка – roof of mouth – roof of skull – roof of tympanum ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. крыша, кровля flat (terraced) roof —- плоская крыша leaking roof —- протекающая крыша sliding roof —- авт. сдвижной верх under a roof —- под крышей 2. кров under one's roof —- в доме, под крышей 3. свод; что-л. напоминающее крышу или свод the roof of the room —- потолок комнаты the roof of heaven —- небосвод the roof of the mouth —- небо the roof of the world —- крыша мира (о высокой горной цепи) under a roof of foliage —- под сенью листвы 4. империал (дилижанса и т. п.) 5. ав. абсолютный потолок 6. горн. потолок (выработки) 7. воен. разг. противовоздушная оборона 8. воен. разг. авиационное прикрытие Id: to raise (to hit) the roof —- сл. поднимать шум, скандалить; шумно возмущаться; вести себя шумно и вызывающе; нарушать порядок, правила поведения; выходить из себя, терять самообладание; вызывать фурор; производить потрясающее впечатление 9. крыть, настилать крышу, покрывать (также roof in, roof over) the cottage is roofed with tiles —- этот домик покрыт черепицей they've roofed over an area at the back —- за домом был устроен навес a walk roofed over with glass led to the greenhouse —- в теплицу вел застекленный переход 10. образовывать крышу, свод the branches roofed the walk —- ветви образовали свод над тропой a strange kind of a hat roofed his head —- странного вида шляпа венчала его голову 11. дать кров, приютить ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) крыша, кровля; fig. кров; under a roof - под крышей; under ones roof - в своем доме; under a roof of foliage - под сенью листвы - the roof of the mouth - the roof of heaven - roof of the world  2) империал (дилижанса и т.п.)  3) aeron. потолок  4) mining потолок (выработки) Syn: see house  2. v.  1) крыть, настилать крышу, покрывать (тж. roof in, roof over) When the swimming pool is roofed over, we shall be able to swim all through the winter.  2) образовывать крышу, свод The branches roofed the walk.  3) дать кров, приютить ROOF of the world крыша мира (о высокой горной цепи) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. hrof "roof, ceiling, top," from P.Gmc. *khrofaz. The verb is from 1475. Roof of the mouth is from O.E. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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